世紀互聯運營的 Microsoft Dynamics 365 在線服務水(shuǐ)平協議(yì)


1. 引言
世紀互聯在線服務(以下(xià)簡稱“SLA”)的服務水(shuǐ)平協議(yì)由世紀互聯根據客戶從(cóng)世紀互聯購買Dynamics 365在線服務的協議(yì)(以下(xià)簡稱“協議(yì)”)制定,也(yě)是其協議(yì)的一部分。本服務水(shuǐ)平協議(yì)适用(yòng)于此處列出的Dynamics 365在線服務(以下(xià)簡稱“服務”),但(dàn)不适用(yòng)于與服務或内部部署軟件一起提供或與服務相關的單獨品牌服務。


2. 定義

服務 停機資格
适用(yòng)于客戶服務企業的Dynamics 365 終端用(yòng)戶無法讀取或寫入本具有适當讀寫權限的任何服務數據的任何時(shí)間段,但(dàn)這(zhè)不包括服務附加功能(néng)的不可用(yòng)性。
适用(yòng)于客戶服務專業人士的Dynamics 365 終端用(yòng)戶不能(néng)讀取或寫入本具有适當讀寫權限的任何服務數據的任何時(shí)間段,但(dàn)這(zhè)不包括服務附加功能(néng)的不可用(yòng)性。
适用(yòng)于财務和(hé)運營的Dynamics 365 未過期平台或服務基礎結構中的故障,導緻終端用(yòng)戶不能(néng)登錄到(dào)他(tā)們的活躍租戶上(shàng)的任何時(shí)間段,這(zhè)些(xiē)是由Microsoft在自(zì)動運行狀況監視(shì)和(hé)系統日志中确定的。停機時(shí)間不包括計(jì)劃的停機時(shí)間,服務附加功能(néng)不可用(yòng),因爲客戶更改服務而導緻的無法訪問服務,或超出規模單位容量的時(shí)段。
适用(yòng)于規模企業的Dynamics 365 終端用(yòng)戶不能(néng)讀取或寫入本具有适當讀寫權限的任何服務數據的任何時(shí)間段,但(dàn)這(zhè)不包括服務附加功能(néng)的不可用(yòng)性。
适用(yòng)于規模專業人士的Dynamics 365 終端用(yòng)戶不能(néng)讀取或寫入本具有适當讀寫權限的任何服務數據的任何時(shí)間段,但(dàn)這(zhè)不包括服務附加功能(néng)的不可用(yòng)性。


3. 每月正常運行時(shí)間百分比和(hé)服務積分


每月正常運行時(shí)間百分比 服務積分
< 99.9% 25%
< 99% 50%
< 95% 100%

4. 服務積分索賠

  1. 對(duì)于世紀互聯考慮索賠,客戶必須在索賠事(shì)件發生的月份之後的日曆月月底向世紀互聯客戶支持customer support提交索賠。例如,如果事(shì)件發生在2月15日,世紀互聯必須在3月31日之前收到(dào)索賠和(hé)所有必需信息。客戶必須向世紀互聯的客戶支持提供所有必要的信息,以便世紀互聯驗證索賠,包括但(dàn)不限于:(1)事(shì)件的詳細描述,(2)關于停機時(shí)間和(hé)持續時(shí)長的信息,(3)受影響的終端用(yòng)戶的數量和(hé)地點(如适用(yòng)),(4)客戶嘗試在事(shì)件發生時(shí)解決事(shì)件的說明(míng)。
  2. 世紀互聯将合理(lǐ)地運用(yòng)所有的可用(yòng)信息,來(lái)驗證索賠,并确定是否有任何服務積分到(dào)期。世紀互聯将在接下(xià)來(lái)的一個月内或是收到(dào)索賠後的第45天運用(yòng)合理(lǐ)的時(shí)間來(lái)處理(lǐ)索賠。客戶必須遵守本協議(yì),才有資格獲得服務積分。如果确定向客戶支付服務積分,世紀互聯會(huì)将服務積分應用(yòng)于客戶每月适用(yòng)的服務費中。
  3. 如果客戶購買了(le)多項服務,則客戶可以根據上(shàng)述流程提交索賠,就好(hǎo)像每項服務都有其單獨的服務水(shuǐ)平協議(yì)一樣。如因同一事(shì)件而未滿足特定服務的多個服務級别,則客戶必須隻能(néng)選擇一個基于此事(shì)件的服務級别進行索賠。除非在具體的服務水(shuǐ)平協議(yì)中另有規定,否則每項服務僅允許在适用(yòng)的月度期間内使用(yòng)一個服務積分。
  4. 服務積分是客戶在協議(yì)下(xià)和(hé)本服務水(shuǐ)平協議(yì)下(xià)的任何服務的任何性能(néng)問題或可用(yòng)性問題的唯一且排他(tā)的補救措施。對(duì)于任何性能(néng)或可用(yòng)性問題,客戶不得單方面抵消其适用(yòng)的每月服務費。
  5. 服務積分僅适用(yòng)于爲未達到(dào)服務級别的特定服務、服務資源或服務層支付的費用(yòng)。如果服務級别适用(yòng)于單個服務資源或單獨的服務層,則服務積分僅适用(yòng)于爲受影響的服務資源或服務層支付的費用(yòng)(如适用(yòng))。
  6. 在任何特定服務或服務資源的任何結算(suàn)月中,服務積分在任何情況下(xià)都不能(néng)超過客戶在結算(suàn)月份中适用(yòng)的該服務或服務資源的适用(yòng)月服務費。
  7. 如果客戶購買服務作(zuò)爲單一要約的一部分,則每項服務适用(yòng)的月服務費和(hé)服務積分将按比例分配。如果客戶從(cóng)經銷商那購買了(le)服務,則客戶将直接從(cóng)經銷商那獲得服務積分,經銷商将直接從(cóng)世紀互聯獲得服務積分。服務積分将基于預計(jì)的可适用(yòng)服務的零售價格,由世紀互聯自(zì)行決定。

5. 服務水(shuǐ)平協議(yì)除外(wài)條款


  1. 世紀互聯不可控的因素(例如自(zì)然災害,戰争,恐怖襲擊,暴亂,政府行動,世紀互聯數據中心外(wài)部的網絡或設備故障,包括客戶網站(zhàn),或客戶網站(zhàn)和(hé)世紀互聯數據中心之間的故障);
  2. 客戶使用(yòng)世紀互聯未提供的服務、硬件或軟件作(zuò)爲服務的一部分而産生的問題,包括但(dàn)不限于帶寬不足或與第三方軟件或服務相關的問題;
  3. 客戶使用(yòng)的服務與世紀互聯服務的特點和(hé)功能(néng)不一緻(例如嘗試進行不受支持的操作(zuò)),或與已發布的文(wén)檔或指南不一緻;
  4. 由于錯誤的輸入、指令或參數引起的問題(例如要求訪問不存在的文(wén)件);
  5. 世紀互聯建議(yì)用(yòng)戶更改服務使用(yòng),而客戶沒有按照建議(yì)修改其使用(yòng)而引起的問題;
  6. 預覽期間或有關預覽的問題(由世紀互聯确定);
  7. 由客戶未經授權的行爲或不作(zuò)爲,或客戶員工(gōng),代理(lǐ)商,承包商,或供應商,或通過客戶密碼或設備訪問世紀互聯網絡的任何人所引起的問題;
  8. 客戶試圖執行超過規定限額的操作(zuò)或涉嫌濫用(yòng)行爲而引起的操作(zuò);
  9. 由于客戶使用(yòng)windows不支持的服務而引起的問題;
  10. 事(shì)件發生時(shí)許可保留但(dàn)未支付的許可證。

6. 客戶支持


7. 服務具體條款


Dynamics 365 财務和(hé)運營





平台是指服務的客戶端表單,SQL服務器報(bào)告,批量操作(zuò)和(hé)API 端點,或僅用(yòng)于商業或零售的零售APIs。




Last Revised:  April 1, 2019

1. Introduction.

This Service Level Agreement for 21Vianet online services (this “SLA”) is made by 21Vianet in connection with, and is a part of, the agreement under which Customer has purchased Dynamics 365 online services from 21Vianet  (the “Agreement”). This SLA applies to the Dynamics 365 online services listed herein (a “Service” or the “Services”), but does not apply to separately branded services made available with or connected to the Services or to any on-premise software that is part of any Service.

21Vianet provides backing to its commitment to achieve and maintain the Service Levels for the Services. If 21Vianet does not achieve and maintain the Service Levels for each Service as described in this SLA, then Customer may be eligible for a credit towards a portion of its monthly service fee. 21Vianet will not modify the terms of Customer’s SLA during the initial term of Customer’s subscription; however, if Customer renews its subscription, the version of this SLA that is current at the time of renewal will apply throughout Customer’s renewal term. 21Vianet will provide at least 90 days’ notice for adverse material changes to this SLA.

2. Definitions.

21Vianet” means the 21Vianet entity that appears on Customer’s Agreement.

Applicable Monthly Service Fees” means the total fees actually paid by Customer for a Service that are applied to the month in which a Service Credit is owed.

Claim” means a claim submitted by Customer to 21Vianet pursuant to this SLA that a Service Level has not been met and for which a Service Credit may be due to Customer.

Customer” refers to the organization that has entered into the Agreement.

Downtime” means the total minutes in a month during which the aspects of a Service specified in the table below are unavailable, excluding (i) Scheduled Downtime; and (ii) unavailability of a Service due to any of the exclusions described in Section 5.

Service Qualifications of Downtime
Dynamics 365 for Customer Service Enterprise Any period of time when end users are unable to read or write any Service data for which they have appropriate permission, but this does not include non-availability of Service add-on features.
Dynamics 365 for Customer Service Professional Any period of time when end users are unable to read or write any Service data for which they have appropriate permission, but this does not include non-availability of Service add-on features.
Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Any period of time when end users are unable to login to their Active Tenant, due to a failure in the unexpired Platform or the Service Infrastructure as Microsoft determines from automated health monitoring and system logs. Downtime does not include Scheduled Downtime, the unavailability of Service add-on features, the inability to access the Service due to Customer’s modifications of the Service, or periods where the Scale Unit capacity is exceeded.
Dynamics 365 for Sales Enterprise Any period of time when end users are unable to read or write any Service data for which they have appropriate permission, but this does not include non-availability of Service add-on features.
Dynamics 365 for Sales Professional Any period of time when end users are unable to read or write any Service data for which they have appropriate permission, but this does not include non-availability of Service add-on features.


Incident” means (i) any single event, or (ii) any set of events, that result in Downtime.

Management Portal” means the web interface(s), provided by 21Vianet, through which customers may manage the Services.

Preview” refers to a preview, beta, or other pre-release version of a Service offered to obtain customer feedback.

Scheduled Downtime” means periods of Downtime related to network, hardware, or Service maintenance or upgrades. 21Vianet will publish notice or notify Customer at least five (5) days prior to the commencement of such Downtime.

Service Credit” is the percentage of the Applicable Monthly Service Fees credited to Customer following 21Vianet’s Claim approval.

Service Level” means the performance metric(s) set forth in this SLA that 21Vianet agrees to meet in the delivery of the Services.

Service Resource” means an individual resource available for use within a Service.

Support Window” refers to the period of time during which a Service feature or compatibility with a separate product or service is supported.

User Minutes” means the total number of minutes in a month, less all Scheduled Downtime, multiplied by the total number of users.

3. Monthly Uptime Percentage and Service Credit.

The “Monthly Uptime Percentage” is calculated using the following formula:

If the Monthly Uptime Percentage falls below 99.9% for any given month, Customer may be eligible for a Service Credit as specified in the table below.


Monthly Uptime Percentage Service Credit
< 99.9% 25%
< 99% 50%
< 95% 100%


4. Service Credit Claims.

  1. For 21Vianet to consider a Claim, Customer must submit the Claim to 21Vianet’s customer support by the end of the calendar month following the month in which the Incident that is subject to the Claim occurs. For example, if the Incident occurred on February 15th, 21Vianet must receive the Claim and all required information by March 31st. Customer must provide to 21Vianet’s customer support all information necessary for 21Vianet to validate the Claim, including but not limited to: (i) a detailed description of the Incident; (ii) information regarding the time and duration of the Downtime; (iii) the number and location(s) of affected end users (if applicable); and (iv) a description of Customer’s attempts to resolve the Incident at the time of occurrence.


  1. 21Vianet will use all information reasonably available to validate the Claim and to determine whether any Service Credits is due. 21Vianet will use commercially reasonable efforts to process Claims during the subsequent month and within forty-five (45) days of receipt. Customer must be in compliance with the Agreement to be eligible for a Service Credit. If 21Vianet determines that a Service Credit is owed to Customer, 21Vianet will apply the Service Credit to Customer’s Applicable Monthly Service Fees.


  1. If Customer purchased more than one Service, then Customer may submit Claims pursuant to the process described above as if each Service was covered by an individual SLA. In the event that more than one Service Level for a particular Service is not met because of the same Incident, Customer must choose only one Service Level under which to make a Claim based on the Incident. Unless as otherwise provided in a specific SLA, only one Service Credit is permitted per Service for an Applicable Monthly Period.
  2. Service Credits are Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for any performance or availability issues for any Service under the Agreement and this SLA. Customer may not unilaterally offset its Applicable Monthly Service Fees for any performance or availability issues.
  3. Service Credits apply only to fees paid for the particular Service, Service Resource, or Service tier for which a Service Level has not been met. In cases where Service Levels apply to individual Service Resources or to separate Service tiers, Service Credits apply only to fees paid for the affected Service Resource or Service tier, as applicable.
  4. The Service Credits awarded in any billing month for a particular Service or Service Resource will not, under any circumstance, exceed Customer’s Applicable Monthly Service Fees for that Service or Service Resource, as applicable, in the billing month.
  5. If Customer purchased Services as part of a single offer, the Applicable Monthly Service Fees and Service Credit for each Service will be pro-rated. In cases where Customer purchased a Service from a reseller, Customer will receive a service credit directly from its reseller and the reseller will receive a Service Credit directly from 21Vianet. The Service Credit will be based on the estimated retail price for the applicable Service, as determined by 21Vianet in its reasonable discretion.

5. SLA Exclusions.

This SLA and any applicable Service Levels do not apply to any performance or availability issues resulting from the following:

  1. due to factors outside 21Vianet’s reasonable control (for example, natural disaster, war, acts of terrorism, riots, government action, or a network or device failure external to 21Vianet’s data centers, including at Customer’s site or between Customer’s site and 21Vianet’s data center);
  2. that resulted from Customer’s use of services, hardware, or software not provided by 21Vianet as part of the Services, including, but not limited to, issues resulting from inadequate bandwidth or related to third-party software or services;
  3. due to Customer’s use of a Service in a manner inconsistent with the features and functionality of that Service (for example, attempts to perform operations that are not supported) or inconsistent with published documentation or guidance;
  4. that resulted from faulty input, instructions, or arguments (for example, requests to access files that do not exist);
  5. caused by Customer’s use of a Service after 21Vianet advised Customer to modify its use of the Service, if Customer did not modify its use as advised;
  6. during or with respect to Previews (as determined by 21Vianet);
  7. that resulted from Customer’s unauthorized action or inaction or from Customer’s employees, agents, contractors, or vendors, or anyone gaining access to 21Vianet’s network by means of Customer’s passwords or equipment;
  8. that resulted from Customer’s attempts to perform operations that exceed prescribed quotas or that resulted from throttling of suspected abusive behavior;
  9. due to Customer’s use of Service features that are outside of associated Support Windows; or
  10. for licenses reserved, but not paid for, at the time of the Incident.

6. Customer Support.

To submit a Claim under this SLA, contact 21Vianet’s customer support at:  /Dynamics365/.

7. Service Specific Terms.

This section sets forth exceptions and additional terms for the specified Online Services.

Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Additional Definitions:

Active Tenant” means a tenant with an active high availability production topology in the Management Portal that (A) has been deployed to a Partner Application Service; and (B) has an active database that users can log into.

Maximum Available Minutes” means the total accumulated minutes during a billing month in which an Active Tenant was deployed in a Partner Application Service using an active high availability production topology.

Partner Application Service” means a partner application built on top of and combined with the Platform that (A) is used for processing Customer’s actual business transactions; and (B) has reserve compute and storage resources equal to or greater than one of the Scale Units Customer’s partner selected for the applicable partner application.

Platform” means the Service’s client forms, SQL server reports, batched operations, and API endpoints, or the Service’s retail APIs that are used for commerce or retail purposes only.

Scale Unit” means the increments by which compute and storage resources are added to or removed from a Partner Application Service.

Service Infrastructure” means the authentication, computing, and storage resources that 21Vianet provides in connection with the Service.